Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Sometimes you are just trying to get through day. Go through the motions. Not question why or how you are where you are, or whether the decisions you made were the DUMBEST effing decision you could have made but at that moment they made sense. It is sort of like ordering spicy curry and a shot of tequila and then getting home and praying for guidance in the bathroom. Well, I have been feeling like I have a burning butthole and an unyielding gag reflex since classes started back up. I. WANT. IT. TO. STOP. Just a few more months. Just a few more months. Just. a. few. more...monthssss. So how do you survive moments like this? You think about what you would rather be doing. For me that usually ranges from just watching tv and giving in to my body's natural inclination to blow to the size of blimp to who I would rather have brunch with on a veranda of an antebellum mansion.
Today, my brain cuts off in the middle of a practice question about treating a child's burn (because that is not important at all!!) and switched to Dream brunch with George Takei, William Shatner, Patrick Stewart, Gandalf (Sorry, Ian, but you are Gandalf!), and some no name person to round it out. I mean, all that fabulousness would need some doldrum or else the universe would collapse on itself. We would have sweet tea and say "Ohhh Myyy!" HEY! A girl can dream! Then, I come back to reality. All I have to chat with is my laptop screen that has a blank word document and a blinking cursor cursing at me with every pulse. Sometimes, you just have to let the mind wander to get back to reality. Unfortunately, it is wandering more and more. I guess if it keeps wandering to places that involve sweet tea and fabulously hilarious people, I can deal with. BUT sometimes... I don't know. Just sometimes...

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