Thursday, April 12, 2012

Olfactory 101: Delicious

So it has been awhile since I blogged.  Life has been hectic to say the least.  Well, I figured what better way to rejoin the blogosphere than to relay an interesting exchange, if you will,  I had today.

Part of my work responsibilities involve pH-ing water from its natural pH of 7 to a pH of 2 using hydrochloric acid. (Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz) Sorry, I fell asleep while typing that.  This water has to go through a vetting process that would shame John McCain.  Hmmm Sarah "You Betcha" Palin did that quite well on her own.  ANYWAY! So the water has to go through another facility for sterilization before entering our research room.  (No, you are not narcoleptic.) The supervisor I have to deal with was out today, so I had to talk to the other supervisor, Don Juan.  Don Juan has this aurora about him.  He reeks of Perve de Jour.  He is a man that winks at you while he is talking to you, you know that is undressing you with his mind, and that he is checking out your butt as you walk away.  Well, as I was leaving, he is walking behind me to take the water to the proper location.  He said, "I am not trying to be rude or inappropriate, but you smell delicious."


How unprofessional is it to say something like this to someone? VERY DAMN UNPROFESSIONAL!

How does a person smell "delicious"?  In my mind, which as you are learning is quite unique, I would have to smell like cake. Like caramel drizzled, coconut covered, chocolatey cake.  Now would I like to be covered in caramel by someone super hot? HELL YES! WHO WOULDN'T!? However, today I was wearing "Stay" by the GAP. It is a lovely, elegant, mature scent that does not smell like food.  I do not like sweet smelling (cupcake, vanilla, cake batter, cotton candy) scents as perfume.  So my brain went into overdrive thinking "Did this pervy asshole just say I smell delicious? How the hell do I smell delicious? Maybe my Beats by Dr. Dre earbuds is effing up my hearing..."

How do you respond when someone you have no desire to touch let alone sleep with say you smell delicious?   I mumbled "Uh... thanks?  It's "Stay" by the GAP." as I was speed walking away from him.  Yes, I am pretty sure he was watching my ass.  Yes, I was at a loss for words. I wish I had handled it better, but come on!

Now, after I left, I realized that he could go out and buy this scent for his wife. CREEPY!! By the way, his wife works with him. She is very unfortunate looking. Compared to her, if he wasn't such a sleaze ball and just creeped me out, he would be attractive.  I am not surprised he hits on anything that has a vagina.

Oh well, I guess it's better than someone saying "Hey! You smell like hot, rancid trash... delicious!"

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