Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Hunt for Red October... Okay, more like The Hunt for a Summer Sublet so I am not sleeping on a Red Hot Sidewalk

First and foremost, I have never seen the movie, but Sean Connery is the original silver fox.

I am returning to school in the fall (fingers crossed!).  Before that can happen, my lease ends June 1st.  In order to avoid homelessness or near death from sleeping near my friends' cats, I MUST find a summer sublet.  Let's just say the experiences so far have been...   I will only share two with you, but believe me, if something else comes along, you will be the first to know ;).

Initial incident: I respond to a posting via my work email account to a posting on robabitch.com (craigslist).  I listed all of the reasons why I totally kick ass and would make an amazing roommate.  Basically, I told the truth and said I am an 80 yr old woman trapped in the body of a 45 year old, who happens to actually be 29years old.  Well she was excited, but she wanted to check out my facebook or linked in pages to verify my identity... Let that marinade for a minute. Now, I should tell you that I am employed by a reputable hospital, so this account is not yahoo, gmail, hotmail, or that decrepit AOL.  Take a gander at my response:

Well I am emailing you from a [insert hospital's name] email address.  I don't
think I can get anymore legit than that.  I have a facebook page, but
I have it set where you cannot search for me.  I am not on linked in.

I work in the [research] dept of [Hospital Name] researching anemia. Also,
if I was trying to scam you, I could set up a fake facebook page.
Frankly, I don't have the time, energy, or patience to put that much
thought into something illegal.  Anyway, I would like to see the
room, but if you do not feel comfortable, then I understand.

I don't think I will get to see that room.

The second incident involved a damn scam! The apt was 1br, in a nice part of town, washer/dryer, parking, utilities, and AC for $610/month! Let's just say rent for crap ass studio with peeling walls, no parking, no AC, and outdated appliances run you about $1200/month.  The person also claims that they were in Manilla Philippines for work, so there was no way I could view the apartment.  To recap, I am supposed to send this guy money and my personal information while he is supposedly out of the country so I can rent an apt that I cannot see.  NEXT! 

On to smaller and more decrepit things!! ;) 

** As I was writing this post, my neighbors started singing some god awful Katy Perry song, moving furniture, and my apt is overwhelmed by the scent of chicken stew.  What the hell are they doing!?!**


  1. Can I just say hooray you got the blog underway. This is GOLDEN material!! I die. Almost as much as during New Girl and you KNOW that is saying a lot.
